Custom AC-DC Power Supply Units
Viable Power is an accomplished supplier of custom AC-DC power supply units having designed over 40 different custom designs since 1995. Although our forte is AC-DC power supplies for airborne applications operating from three phase 115V, 400Hz sources, we are also experienced in designing for single phase 115V, 60Hz sources, both for airborne applications and shipboard applications.
Our dedicated and experienced team of designers, engineers and technicians are capable of developing, proving, designing, manufacturing and testing power supplies to the highest standards under challenging time constraints.
We are able to quickly develop a suitable solution addressing the needs of our customers, whether they have a detailed requirements specification or simply a rudimentary need. We also work closely with customers to ensure every aspect of the design is addressed.
About Our AC-DC Power Supply Design
Each design of one of our AC-DC power supplies includes EMI filtering, either with a custom designed filter or a standard OEM EMI filter module, a rectifier, three phase or single phase, depending on the input source, bulk internal capacitance and a suite of DC-DC power converter modules with output filtering. In addition to the basic AC to DC conversion we can also include built-in test functions such as input over and under voltage protection, inrush current limiting, input power good indications, either visually or with electronic signals, as required.
On the output side we can include:

We can also include industry standard I2C / SMBus power supply status or custom serial status per customer requirements. For VME or ATX power supplies we provide compliant SYSRESET and ACFAIL signals or ATX Power Good signals. Whatever your specific application requirement, we can implement it into your power supply.
Custom AC-DC Power Supply Unit Packaging
The application environment is a critical driver for the design, particularly the temperature, altitude and vibration. These factors have a direct impact on the selection of components, the cooling approach and the required strength of the unit as a whole and the mounting and securing of components within the power supply.
Each custom AC-DC power supply unit is uniquely packaged in accordance with the customer requirements. Typically, this is a custom six-sided box made of aluminum, either sheet metal which results in a non-hermetic unit, or machined, which can be sealed for hermeticity. Whatever custom shape is required, our mechanical design team will custom fit the circuitry to accommodate the space available for the application.
The units have a chemical conversion coating as a finish, either yellow, or if RoHS compliance is necessary, clear. We can also paint all or part of the unit with the applicable coloured paint required by your specification. For a particularly wear-resistant finish, part or all of the unit can be anodized.
Finding a Solution that Works for You
If you are in the market for a custom AC-DC power supply for a military or industrial application Viable Power can offer a solution that works for you. Contact us at any time to get more information about our AC-DC power supply unit design services. You can also request a proposal if you already know what you are looking for by completing our request for proposal form.
If you are looking for a DC-DC power supply solution, please visit our custom DC-DC Power Supply Units page.